
What's going on?

Im really worry bout you... What's actually going on?

Your routine has been changing drastically.. Even not going to school... What's really going on? I really do hope you would tell me...

I had told you, I would fly over for u.. But I had no idea on u...

Maybe it's a tough year for your 21st year living, but I hope everything will be fine soon. Real soon! For you and for me...

I really miss you much.. A. Ysabella...



Seems like it's not the workload busy...

Had been wondering, are you starting to dislike? I've did something wrong?

This feeling, so bad... Don't like it...

Been missing you for weeks...

It takes two to tango. Am I the only one?

To you my sweetheart, UAY


Busy busy schooling

The holiday has came to an end, she is going back to her busy school life while I'm getting back to my not so busy working life... 

Just wish so you to be proceeding well on your studies :)

Will miss ya when you are busy :) keep it up ganbarimas! Yosh!

And yeah, it's you UAY 



It's so confusing -.-

The heart of lady is like a needle under deep sea... That's so true!



Wish all of u, have a good start of the year, awesome ending from 2014!

Tho there's good and bad, happy and sad... It's still uncontrollable to think bout u lol..

So here I wish u will be all fine and sweet :) tho u made me jealous last few days, made me became I immature lol...

I don't know what is waiting in future but I hope someday my wishes towards u will come true :)

Ms. U A Y.  :)