
Roller coaster day

I'm not receiving messages since yesterday evening till today morning. I'm thinking she might be not happy with something about me because she didn't greet me in the morning even I greeted her first...

Something is going on and roller coster started.. 

I've mentioned, I will not leave u away when this is happening...no matter what's the cause is.
Luckily we went through it today, and it's not easy... But I still don't know what happened..
Another good thing is, u missed me too... I'm so flattered :) normally it's my line, today u are telling me the same :)

I shall call it a progress :)

Later 3am, flight to hk. I pray for your safe journey and blissful vacation with dad and sis. 
It means u are coming to Singapore soon too...I'm so anxious bout it lol! My poor English argh...
